
Your kitten is growing every day. That’s why Whiskas 2-12mths has the right amount of calcium and phosphorus to support growing bones and developing joints, and is packed with energy to help her pounce and jump. And don’t forget those all-important vitamins and minerals she needs to keep her in tip-top health.

Your adult cat loves life. That’s why Whiskas 1+ gives her just the right amount of energy she needs, to help her figure stay lean and sleek.

Your cat may be in her senior years, but she’s as full of life as ever. That’s why Whiskas 7+ has been formulated to look after her vital organs, keep her eyesight healthy and help her coat stay nice and glossy.

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Whiskas Videos with Pete the Vet

    Win a Cat Tree for your four-legged friend

    When it comes to Whiskas products you can be sure your feline friend is always getting the very best. Whiskas ensure all their meals are full of natural goodness and nutritionally complete and balanced, helping the world's pets to live healthier and happier lives. To keep your feline friend even happier we have a gingerbread house cat tree and a Whiskas hamper to give away.

    To be in with a chance to win simply follow the steps below and upload a picture of your four-legged friend:

    Thank you for your entry. The winner will be announced in our Facebook page.
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