
What personalised spoons are available?

There are 2 sizes of spoon available. One small spoon or one large sized spoon to choose from, featuring Kellogg’s characters or brand logos.

How to claim your Free Personalised Spoon

One unique code can be collected from the inside of each Kellogg’s “Personalised Spoon” promotional packs. The code is 10 digits long and printed in red or black ink. In order to claim your free personalised spoon you need to collect unique codes from three special packs.

Where on the pack can I find my unique code?

Codes are 10 digits long, contain letters only and are located on the inside front panel of the Kellogg’s “Free Personalised Spoon” promotional packs. The code is not printed on the outside of the pack: please do not use any code printed on the outside of the pack to try and claim a Personalised Spoon. If the code you are looking at has been obstructed with glue this is not the correct code – please look inside the pack carton.

How do I enter my codes?

First register or log in at www.kelloggs.co.uk/spoons. The following screen will allow you to choose the spoon you would like to receive and enable you to enter your personalisation (chosen name) for the Spoon.The subsequent screen will allow you to enter your unique codes from pack; you will need 3 codes to claim a free Personalised Spoon. Your spoon will be sent to the address you enter.

Win €1,000

We understand that finances can be tight after the Christmas holidays, that is why we are giving mums the chance to win €1,000. There will be five runner-up prizes of a Kellogg’s “Personalised Spoon”.

For your chance to win, simply enter your details below:

Step 1 First, you must recommend this page
Step 2Fill out the form below, or connect with your MummyPages account:
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Thank you for your entry. The winner will be announced in our Facebook page.