
We asked MummyPages Mums to tell us what they think about white bread

  • 90%

    of MummyPages mums surveyed think white bread is bad for you!

    The Truth?

    The government food pyramid recommends that about 33% of our calories each day should come from bread and other starchy carbohydrates in order to achieve a balanced daily diet. White bread contains a source of protein and fibre, is low in fat and has no added sugars.

  • 72%

    of MummyPages mums surveyed think white bread makes you bloated!

    The Truth?

    There is no scientific evidence that white bread causes bloating or gastrointestinal discomfort. There are a number of reasons why some people can feel bloated after eating. These include eating too quickly, hormonal fluctuations, stress and a large increase in the amount, or change in the type, of fibre eaten.

  • 84%

    of MummyPages mums believe white bread has no fibre

    The Truth?

    White bread provides 9% of fibre to the diets of adults, and 18% of fibre to the diets of Irish children.

  • 96%

    of MummyPages mums believe white bread is fattening

    The Truth?

    White bread is one of the lowest fat products that people can consume, contributing only 1% of their total fat intake. 

Tell us your favourite recipe

  • Bread Soup with Roast Tomato Puree

    Bread Soup with Roast Tomato Puree

  • Fried Camembert Sandwiches

    Fried Camembert Sandwiches

  • Raspberry Chocolate Bread & Butter Pudding

    Raspberry Chocolate Bread & Butter Pudding

  • Mediterranean tuna toastie

    Mediterranean tuna toastie

  • Mini Canapé Style Croque Monsieur’s

    Mini Canapé Style Croque Monsieur’s

  • Classic Ribollita

    Classic Ribollita

  • Sesame Seed & Prawn Toast

    Sesame Seed & Prawn Toast

  • French Toast

    French Toast

  • Kale & caramelised onion toasted cheese

    Kale & caramelised onion toasted cheese

  • Eggwiches


Win a family break away
with thanks to Johnston Mooney and O'Brien

Just fill in your details below, and tell us your favourite bread recipe, and you could win a break away for two adults and three children at the gorgeous Kenmare Bay Hotel.

Thank you for your entry. The winners will be announced in our Facebook page.

Step 1 Fill out the entry form below, or connect with your MummyPages account.

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We asked MummyPages Mums to tell us what they think about white bread

  • 90%

    of MummyPages mums surveyed think white bread is bad for you!

    The Truth?

    The government food pyramid recommends that about 33% of our calories each day should come from bread and other starchy carbohydrates in order to achieve a balanced daily diet. White bread contains a source of protein and fibre, is low in fat and has no added sugars.

  • 72%

    of MummyPages mums surveyed think white bread makes you bloated!

    The Truth?

    There is no scientific evidence that white bread causes bloating or gastrointestinal discomfort. There are a number of reasons why some people can feel bloated after eating. These include eating too quickly, hormonal fluctuations, stress and a large increase in the amount, or change in the type, of fibre eaten.

  • 84%

    of MummyPages mums believe white bread has no fibre

    The Truth?

    White bread provides 9% of fibre to the diets of adults, and 18% of fibre to the diets of Irish children.

  • 96%

    of MummyPages mums believe white bread is fattening

    The Truth?

    White bread is one of the lowest fat products that people can consume, contributing only 1% of their total fat intake. 

history in the baking


The Johnston family set up a bakery in Dublin before coming together with master bakers Mooney and O’Brien to share their baking expertise and craftsmanship to form Johnston Mooney and O’Brien.

history in the baking


Johnston Mooney and O’Brien bread and cakes, especially made-to-order birthday and wedding cakes, are in high demand

history in the baking


We have ten Johnston Mooney and O’Brien Bread and Cake shops in Finglas, Cabra, Kimmage, Camden Street, Rathmines, Parnell Square, Dominick Street, Capel Street, Stillorgan and Dun Laoghaire to keep up with demand.

history in the baking


We introduce Ireland to the ‘sliced loaf’ as we begin slicing our bread in the mid 1930’s. Making life just that bit simpler.

history in the baking


In the mid 1960’s, we replace our horse and cart deliveries with a new fleet of electric vans. The retired horses go on to pastures new.

history in the baking


In the 1980’s, we replace the electric van fleet with the distinctive diesel vans that you see on Irish roads today.

history in the baking


We move our bread to the Jamestown Rd., Finglas bakery - where it remains today.
Our Bundy brand launches introducing an American-style sponge and dough bun recipe to Ireland and is baked in Clonee, Co. Meath.
Butterkrust joins the Johnston Mooney and O’Brien family of baked goods.

history in the baking


The launch of our new brand identity and tagline “History in the Baking”.

Fun for Kids